Solar Power

Solar panels for solar power from Pori to Turku

Don't just take the sun, make it part of your home's electricity production.

The sun is for more than just tanning and vitamin D intake. Besides lounging on the beach, you can use the sun for your home's independent electricity production! If you're planning a roof renovation for your house, you should consider solar panels at the same time. And certainly, even if your roof is fine but you want to get panels afterwards.

We at Lännen Laatukatto design and install solar panels suitable for your detached house or summer cottage from Pori to Rauma, and all over Satakunta, from Turku to Laitila and elsewhere in Southwestern Finland, which produce electricity for your house even when it seems the sun isn't shining. Clear weather is enough for the production of solar power.

With a properly sized and installed solar power system, you can save on your electricity bill. You also save nature, as the sun provides ecological, renewable energy that doesn't produce emissions. Contact us if you're interested in panels, we'd love to tell you more! Solar power is also a great acquisition for housing companies and businesses.

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Genuine facts about solar power.

You protect nature, as solar power is clean renewable energy that doesn't produce emissions or consume natural resources.

You save money, as with solar panels you produce your own electricity, at best up to half of your consumption needs. You can sell the excess electricity to the power company.

Solar panels are very low maintenance, as they have no wear parts; usually, rainwater washes are enough for maintenance.

Panels can produce energy even if the sun isn't fully shining.

What else would you like to know about? We'll tell, just ask! We're also happy to make you an offer if you want to know roughly how much solar panels including installation would cost. 

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We fully trust our service and products. If you want to hear more about how we've succeeded with our customers, you can call our Quality Number 0800 555 126 (local rate/mobile charge). Or alternatively, you can directly contact us!